Please note that these retreats for 2025 are full!

Level 1 Somatic IFS 2025 Retreats
These thirty-hour, seven-day Step 1 retreats are an opportunity to explore your internal family through experiencing the practices of Somatic IFS—awareness, breathing, resonance, movement, and touch—as they integrate with the IFS Model. Experiential exercises, journaling, and small group interactions bring awareness and compassion to the nonverbal expression of the individual hurts and societal burdens lodged in our tissues, leading us to the essence of our being.
These Somatic IFS Retreats are the first step of the two Somatic IFS programs open to those who have completed at least a Level 1 IFS-I Training.
Week One
February 8-15
Week Two
February 22-March 1
Please note, there is a maximum of thirty participants for each retreat.
IFS-CE credits are available.

This retreat will be held at the Pura Vida Retreat and Spa in Alajuela, Costa Rica. Many return every year for this Somatic IFS Retreat to enjoy the beautiful, tranquil setting, delicious healthy food, exceptional bodywork and spa treatments, yoga, and the midweek excursions—whitewater rivers, waterfalls, active volcanoes, hot springs, and wildlife.
You can view the location of this retreat, as well as learn about room options at puravidaspa.com
This Step 1 Somatic IFS program is an experiential retreat, not a formal training in Somatic IFS. Completion of the Step 1 programs is required for participation in the Step 2 Somatic IFS Trainings that bring Somatic IFS into your clinical practice. The Step 2 Trainings include live demonstrations and extensive supervised practice.
To register for the retreat, please fill out the form below, or click here to access the form in a separate window!

“The bodywork and opportunities for yoga and getting out to explore in our excursions were wonderful and allowed everything to sink in in a truly magical way. I can’t wait to return.”
“I have been deeply touched by how honoring Beth and Susan have been. I have felt completely supported and cared for from Day One.”
“Susan creates a sacred container for our embodied learning that allows me to be in Self energy—it is in my spiritual as well as “somatic” memory.”

“I am returning with a renewed sense of my own strength, a new awareness of ways in which I diminish my strength and a much stronger sense of my own light and the Source.”