Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy
is essential to understanding the theory and practice of a somatic approach to this evidenced-based IFS Model. McConnell integrates her experience and training in various bodywork, movement, body psychotherapy and spiritual modalities culminating in Somatic IFS. The somatic practices outlined in the book establish a deeper embodiment of the internal family—the subpersonalities as well as the essential core Self. The compassionate witnessing of the implicit body stories of individual hurts and societal burdens leads to the fullest expression of Embodied Self. Case studies and vignettes demonstrate the efficacy of Somatic IFS with applications for every clinical issue.
Now available in paperback or eReader format from Amazon, the IFS Bookstore, Barnes and Noble, and many independently owned bookstores.
And you can hear Susan discuss the book on podcasts from The One Inside and IFS Talks.
“I am very honored and excited that Susan McConnell has finally written this book that brings all of her wisdom from years of somatic study and practice to the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model… This book contains the practices she has discovered for achieving Self embodiment and for using the body to find parts and to heal them.”
-Richard C. Schwartz. Ph D. Founder of Internal Family Systems
"At a third reading of McConnell's book, my bodymind-Self is trembling at this good fortune. I dare say that I have been in therapy, in a healing process that leaves me more and more unarmored, unprotected, and vulnerable to the calling of burdened parts of myself...McConnell offers the reader a coherent presentation that is accurately described, profoundly poetic, and spiritual in an embodied way...This book offers the reader a master class, an intensive, a rare experience."
-Marcel A. Duclos, LCMHC, LPC, ACS, Diplomate, AMHCA, Certified Core Energetics Therapist, Certified IFS Therapist
"An erudite, impressively informative, thoughtful and thought-provoking study, "Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement and Touch in Practice" is an extraordinary and unreservedly recommended addition to professional, community, psychological clinic, college, and university library Contemporary Psychology & Counseling collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists. It should be noted for students, academia, therapists, counselors, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject." -Midwest Book Review

Other offerings...
See Susan’s chapter on Somatic IFS in
“The Family Within: An IFS Journey” in Inner Dialogue in Daily Life:
Contemporary Approaches to Personal and Professional Development in Psychotherapy,
edited by Charles Eigen. London & Philadelphia: Kingsley, 2014
She also has a chapter on Somatic IFS in
Internal Family Systems Therapy: New Dimensions, edited by Martha Sweezy and Ellen L. Ziskind
To order online: www.routledge.com
To order by phone: (800) 634-7064
Most recently, Susan has a chapter on
Somatic IFS in
Riemersma, J. (Ed) (2023) Altogether US: Integrating the IFS Model with Key Modalities, Communities and Trends. Pivotal Press, 2023.